Thursday, January 13, 2022

Before - After

Just the sweet chant
Set my body on fire
Making it blossom
Like a beautiful flower 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

A World of Make-Believe

 I love reading books and watching movies. More than movies, the books. Because, you can drift into a wonderland, imagine how it would be, be a part of the scene witnessing the events without becoming involved.

But after I put the book down, sometimes I am in that world, imagining conversations and scenes between the character and me. At one point, though, the futility of it hits me. Unless I want to write fan fiction, I can see that that character and my paths will never cross. I am not a character in the book and nobody writes me into a book, not even me. Some aspects of me may be reflected in some characters I write, but the dialogues the character speaks or the actions and behaviour are not necessarily unique to me.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Switch Off the Churner

Like the compass needle
always points north
So do our thoughts
take always the same path

Even when hands
are busy doing a task
The wayward mind is
constantly turning back

Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Steps Go Up

I aimed for the top
I worked non-stop

Accolades came my way
But the goal seemed far away

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Donning Roles No More

All that glittered
All that was fragrant
All that was soft 
All that was pleasant
All that was sweet to the tongue

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Misfit

She just loved fashion designing. He had strayed into this field because he seemed a misfit everywhere else.

She was the class topper. He scraped through, bumbling about clumsily from semester to semester, helped by his friends and classmates.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


The knot. 

It begins by being useful. It binds and holds things together. It can be removed easily and so there is no cause for worry either.

If you pull an end and the knot gets removed easily, fine, but pull it the wrong way... That's it. Especially when you are in a hurry to untie it, everything you do will only tighten the knot and seal its, and your, fate completely. 
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