Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Steps Go Up

I aimed for the top
I worked non-stop

Accolades came my way
But the goal seemed far away

Each step took me closer
But I still felt like a loser

The goal post constantly shifted
I moved forward but away it drifted

There was not a minute of rest
For always there was a next

Just as it all seemed within my grasp
The joy itself slipped through my clasp

Higher though I was from where I started
I found climbing further up harder

Frustration, disappointment, envy, smallness
Swamped me, making me feel powerless

I gave up, retired to the pavilion hurt
Craving no more to quench my thirst

Enjoying what I had, grateful to have run
Finding rat race is not my kind of fun

Then I noticed something strange
What had always been within range 

In each rung lay a story to tell
I had only not been too mindful

Each moment has so much to give
All one has to do is to live

For now, for this moment
And all cravings go dormant

Taking you to the topmost rung
Without effort, without being stung

Feeling on top of the world every day
Happiness is not too far away!

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