It was just plain canvas
White and pristine
A brush in hand
I stood thinking
There arose
In a moment
An entire universe
A whole new creation
With a few brushstrokes
I transformed the space
And lines demarcated
Body and face
There were objects
And creatures
Living and non-living
With distinct features
A little bit real
A little imagined
Some understood
Some intuited
Each object independent
And yet there was an interplay
A story unravelled
With roles the characters played
And yet, what were they?
Without that canvas?
Their forms nothing but
A mere line on that vast space?
Rub them away
And it would go back
To being that surface,
That original canvas.
Is that what we are too?
Mere demarcations?
Our identity nothing?
Just pure imagination?
Features, colours
Actions, reactions
Thoughts, emotions
All vanish in a fraction.
Or emerge in a moment
As the artist thinks
In new forms
And new things.
But whether there or not,
The only thing that is
Is that canvas, That One
The One we seek.
Wow! So deep and profound! Are you publishing an anthology?