Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Beast Roams Free

He lurked in dark corners
In shady bus shelters
Anonymous in crowds
Furtive in glance and movements

He groped, pinched, rubbed
When no one could catch him
For he feared persecution
Humiliation and exposure

Today he roams the city free
In broadlight, head held high
With his herd, confident
He could get away with murder

In the midst of crowds
Sure of his success
He corners the single,
The helpless and the unaware

He pounces, ravages, walks away
Leaving others wondering
What the crumpled victim did
To incur his wrath


  1. This issue just leaves women feeling so helpless as the society takes a harsher stand on the victim than the criminal. The audacity with which these monsters roam free and boast of their strength and privilege is because they know that no harm will come to them.

  2. Sadly, that seems to be the case. They know the onus is on the victim to prove the case...


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