Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Lady of Light - Part XV

The Story So Far: I turned 18 and waited to know what my power would be. But all I did was swoon when the enemy was at the gate. I was ashamed but I was shocked to know that I had saved the world and I didn't know a thing about it! Now I do. But I still don't know how to call that power when I need it.

Read from the beginning, click here
Read the previous chapter, click here

I had never heard of anyone wielding the power of lightning. I was excited and wanted to fly but like a bird whose wings had been cut, I realised I couldn't. I didn't know how to call my power. Like my Tiara, the power seemed to come and go as it pleased and hadn't shown any evidence of its presence during the recent trying times.

I controlled my urge to rush to my parents and Rajguru to tell them of my discovery. I had to understand myself first, I had to understand my power.

Who could help me?

I thought back to the legends I had heard about the earlier Shakti and her strength was in her spear. The Daits too fought with weapons. There were no references to using the five elements as weapons. I sank back on the soft bank of Saraswathi river and thought about the legend of the Goddess of the River. She had also aided Shakti in the battle. But she had also been in a Prabhas form and had used weapons.

It was getting dark and I was wasting precious time speculating on things that would not help me save the prince. Weapon or no weapon, I had to achieve the impossible or lose my life. I took my spirit form and allowed it to reach Mars, seeking the prince out.

Mercifully he was alive, and though not well, at least no worse than he had been in the morning.

I sought out and found the Martian prince suffering because of the injury I had inflicted on him. I was extremely pleased to see him moaning and groaning as the cold remained and ate into his vitals. Looks like my uncle was taking all the revenge he could. The Dait prince's body was blue and he was shivering despite all the blankets and fire.

I returned, knowing it was not safe for the prince Ajat or earth for very long. The Dait king's attention was focused on his son for the time being. But he would soon turn his frustration on earth and wreak havoc. What form his rage would take was hard to guess, but since I was responsible for it, I had to get my act together. Idle drifting... It had been useful, I had to admit to myself. But since I was alert now, lingering further would be of no use. 

I headed straight for the library, located a little way across the palace and looked at the magical sky with its golden light. As always, my heart sang seeing the golden shaft and saw it shimmer in my presence.

I entered the library and asked to see scrolls about magical powers.

The librarian showed me a room filled with books and scrolls on the topic. "Is there an index I can refer to?" I asked. The librarian obliged by sharing her register. I was disappointed to see there was nothing on lightning, Vidyut or Vajra. I asked the lady about it. "Lightning? You will find that in the section about the seasons," she offered. "But as a power?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, it is not one of the five elements and no one has ever tamed the lightning," she said thoughtfully shaking her head. "Only Indra, the King of Devas, wields the lightning."

And when it rains, there is thunder and lightning. I felt a little dampened. Was it raining that day? Had I made a mistake?

Maybe reading my expression of dismay, she put a hand on my shoulder and said, "It doesn't mean such a thing cannot happen. Aren't you Shakti? Is that what you think your power is?"

I looked at the wise woman and nodded, grateful for her soothing words.

"What seems to be the problem, if I may ask?" she asked.

"I don't know how to use it," I confessed, her warmth drawing me out.

She nodded. "And nobody can teach you. Is that how you saved earth the other day?" she asked astutely. "I only just discovered that," I confessed. She beckoned me to follow her and entered a section marked 'Powers'.

I felt a presence next to me and turned to find Amrit there. "I sensed you were in the vicinity but didn't expect to find you here," he said simply. I couldn't help myself and blurted out, "I found out my power. It is lightning!"

His expression transformed into one of awe. "Please excuse us," he told the librarian abruptly and whisked me away to his father. His father too looked awed when I told him about my discovery and before I knew it, I was being transported to yet another place.

My body tingled as I entered the room the Rajguru and Amrit took me too. I knew this was inside the palace. It was a small room with a pedestal in the centre. Though there was a golden egg-like object placed on it, I knew it was worth nothing. Not only because the original Sacred Shell been stolen but because the one in its place had no aura.

But the room itself was throbbing with power. There was something else in the room that was drawing me powerfully. I found Rajguru and Amrit looking at me keenly. Whether they sensed the power or not, I could not tell. Did they know about it? It was hard to judge from their expressions.

Rajguru finally said, "One of the reasons we could not detect the fake eggshell is because there is something in this room that is just as powerful. We always attributed it to the Shell. On finding out about its theft recently, we were puzzled about the power. I have been trying to find out about it and there is only one reference, which mentions Shakti leaving her weapons in a secure place. It does not say where, but I am tempted to believe this is the place."

My heart raced as I allowed myself to be drawn to the pedestal. The eggshell was placed on a small, curved stand. I saw lights flashing and, fascinated, I reached out.

Something alerted me to danger and I withdrew my hand quickly.

Rajguru and Amrit too had turned away and were looking out of the window.

"The Daits!" they cried out in unison and ran out. Amrit's golden aura mingled with the protective charms around the palace and gave us respite from immediate attack.

Knowing what my power was, for once, I felt ready and prepared. I still did not know how to call it to me, but I knew I was about to discover. I felt a surge of energy that had earlier knocked my body out cold. But not today. I had been trained since that day and withstood the sudden burst.

I sensed the star in my grasp and I started rising to meet the enemies.

(Continued here)

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