Sunday, March 1, 2020

Miss Calculation

Ranjana looked through the file and glanced up at Jha, her PA. "Who sent this request?"A diminutive figure, the large chair in the Ministry of Home Affairs of the state vested in her authority that she seemed quite capable of handling.

"Madam, the state head of the Nation First party," the PA replied deferentially.

Ranjana glanced up disdainfully. "Jasmine?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Their national head is visiting and this is all she wants by way of security?" Seeing the baffled smile on her PA's face, she sent him away and dialed a number. "At my office."

Within a few minutes, the commissioner of police was in her room, looking through the request. He glanced up and an understanding passed.

"The tribals of this land are baying for his blood. He is touring in areas right next to it, and they are asking for only this much of security?" he asked, voicing her misgivings.

"See what you can find out," she said and dismissed him. "I will have the PA send you a formal note," she added as he left with a nod.

Formalities completed, she made another call and quickly shared the details. "Find out what Jasmine is up to..."

"Why are you freaking out?" the lady sat across, sipping wine elegantly. It was late evening and they were in Ranjana's tastefully done up bedroom. Ranjana had changed out of her starched sari into tracks and t-shirt. The lady, Indra, was known to be her right hand, but was her eyes and ears as well. Dressed smartly in a suit, she looked at Ranjana keenly.

"It stinks, something is afoot for sure. And I want in," Ranjana said simply.

Indra raised an elegant eyebrow. "You think Jasmine will risk it?"

"That's what intrigues me... What is she up to? She is sticking her neck out here."

"You think there is some risk to this man, this Gautam?"

Ranjana's eyes glazed for a second, a dreamy look flitted in and out in a fleeting second. But Indra caught that. A stab of pain left her breathless, but Ranjana did not notice that. Ranjana looked at her and smiled invitingly. Indra hesitated, anger shaking her from within. At this moment, she was just a handy replacement for the handsome Gautam, she knew. She managed to smile back and, getting up, went to where Ranajan stood. Ranjana's kiss was a trifle more passionate than it usually was. Indra couldn't help asking, "Who made the first move?"

Ranjana looked at her innocently. "I did, didn't I?"

Indra had been referring to Gautam, and she wasn't sure if Ranjana had understood that. But she felt aroused and unwilling to miss this moment. She led Ranjana to the bed.

It was past midnight when Indra left. Ranjana lay back with a smile lingering softly on her lips. She dreamed of a time some years ago. Her mentor and lover, or was it lover and mentor, the late chief minister and the party head, had her in his vice grip. She had admired Shankar, no doubt, and she also had a hold on him, she knew that. But while he sowed wild oats, he expected her to be a chaste mistress, not even wife.

It had thrilled her to cuckold him, taking on lovers on the sly. She had a formidable reputation of retribution and generosity, using it wisely to buy the silence of her partners.

Gautam was a star in the movie world who suddenly created a ripple by entering politics. His charm and charisma were backed by his already powerful political family so that he became the unshakable leader of the Nation First Party in no time. His histrionic capabilities had the people eating out his hand without a question. He promised the moon, never mind that he couldn't deliver even the earth.

When her state was torn by an internecine war between two tribal groups, NFP was the ruling party at the centre and Gautam headed the government. To put an end to the war, he used some heave-handed policies that crippled the tribes, no doubt, but it also built resentment.

When he visited the state for assessment, Ranjana and Gautam's eyes met, and by late evening, their bodies. Yes, it had been a pleasant evening and right under Shankar's nose too, for, he had been in a meeting in the next room.

Ranjana laughed softly, remembering that evening's love-making. She wondered if she should call Gautam and caution him about the situation. The tribals may not be making national headlines, but they were hardly quashed, as Gautam believed them to be. If he intended posturing and displaying a bravado, her state was hardly the place for that. Not after what he had done. He was a villain, and the regional parties had demolished what little vote bank he had by playing up his role in the trauma that followed Gautam's policies. Better to keep away than invite trouble.

Her phone rang. "Did you get my note, Ranjana?" Jasmine asked. Ranjana asked languorously, "Planning to get Gautam murdered, Jasmine?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Jasmine exclaimed in shock.

Ranjana laughed. "Not on my watch, in any case," she whispered softly. "What is the plan?" she asked.

"He is bringing his own security people and didn't want any... I mean..."

"Bungling, was that the word you were looking for?" Ranjana asked coldly.

But Jasmine went on, "He said he will take care of it himself."

"And what do you say?" Ranjana demanded. "You know that they have declared a reward for anyone who kills him, don't you?" Every time she met the tribal heads regarding law and order, their only demand was that she deliver Gautam to them. She didn't mention it to Jasmine and wondered if Jasmine had received a similar request;  if she were playing a game.

Indra may need a couple of days to get the details. The police... may need as much time. She was wasting her time. She called Gautam, ignoring the lateness of the hour. Or who he may be with.

"Ah, the ever-charming Ranjana," his voice caressed her.

Ranjana heard her laugh ring with a lilt. "You seem to prefer the challenges of our hilly terrains, though," she replied purring.

Did she detect a hesitation? "I do love to rough it out."

"We have options for that. Our state has been a thorn in your flesh and is filled with minefields," she cooed.

"I believe people are eager to see me in that part of your state. You don't expect me to disappoint them, do you?"

"It is better to disappoint them than life," she reminded him.

He laughed. "Thank you for your concern... Feels good to know I have a friend in this minefield..."

A few more polite words were exchanged, but she couldn't get him to cancel his suicidal mission.

Thoughtfully, Ranjana changed into her nightdress, finished the wine, her mind in a whirr when Jasmine called again. "Why did you call Gautam?" she growled. "You think I will let anything happen to him?"

Ranjana was amused. That's precisely what she thought. She just couldn't understand what was at stake. Money, really? Ranjana sat up. How much? And why was Gautam agreeing to be the sacrificial goat?

"He has canceled the visit," Jasmine was saying, and Ranjana frowned.

"Sensible, don't you think so?"

Jasmine was silent for a minute before she said, "Of course! But this was our opportunity to placate the tribals, and to win the hearts of the people of the state.You have just played dirty politics..."

Ranjana laughed. "Really? Why does this stink of conspiracy? Gautam didn't even seem to know that this peace mission had been planned? Isn't that why he has canceled it now?"

Again a silence. "He doesn't understand the anger people feel about his role in the tribal warfare. I mean, of course, he knows he aggravated the problem, but how can he reverse it? Not by keeping away! And the coward!... I mean..." Jasmine just sighed and gave up the attempt to protect him from her rival in politics, "That coward doesn't even want to come to the state now!"

Ranjana was having a merry night. Jasmine and she had sparred in the legislative assembly several times but they were also friends, as much as two people from rival parties could be. This dirt about her opposition party was delightful. "Sorry," she managed to sound contrite. "Is it because of my call?"

"Yes," Jasmine replied truthfully. "He was upset that I had not warned him about the agenda. I had... But... Not in as many words. But he is not happy. We need him here before the next elections!" Jasmine sounded desperate.

"But his life would be in danger!" Ranjana pointed out.

"Right now, the party's life in the state is in danger."

"Sorry, I don't see what I can do about it..." Ranjana started saying when Jasmine intervened. "Arrest the leaders. Show him it is safe."

For the first time, Ranjana went silent, the possibilities spinning in her mind. "OK. I will send Indra to work out the details with you," she said, knowing that Jasmine will get the message.

In a week, the newspapers splashed the news about the arrest of the two tribal leaders on the front page. There was even more unrest in that region as tribals and their sympathizers protested. Ranjana gave the police a free hand to quash it. An uneasy calm returned. Jasmine called to thank her and managed to convince Gautam to follow her plan.

Two representatives of the tribal people stood before Ranjana in her imposing office. "Madam, you have done grave injustice by locking the leaders up," the more outspoken of the two told her, anger spilling out of his eyes.

Ranjana leaned back on the chair and asked with amusement, "What are you going to do about it?"

"You will be responsible for the consequences..."

Her eyes flickered to her PA standing respectfully to a side, and he immediately excused himself. Indra remained and awaited instructions. When Ranjana nodded in her direction, she quietly brought out two envelopes.

"Just let him pass your region. He will be at the border, and he is all yours," Ranjana said softly.

The men stared at the bulky cover being extended towards them and looked at her doubtfully. She nodded encouragingly. They pocketed it but continued to say, "But, our leaders..."

"The brain only plans, it is the hands that execute.That's how I work," she said cryptically. "Let them remain hidden," she added. The grins on the men's faces showed they understood.

The appointed hour became historical. Gautam addressed the tribals and left the place unscathed. Jasmine called Ranjana to thank her before getting into her car to follow Gautam's entourage. She watched as the motorcade turned towards the border and screamed in horror as someone lobbed a bomb and blew Gautam and his security apart.

"You promised!" Jasmine shouted into the phone as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"And I kept my side of the bargain to you," Ranjana said as she signed papers to establish ownership of land one of the tribal leaders had gifted her reward. "I kept him safe here."

"You will pay for this!" Jasmine threatened.

"I did warn you that it is not safe," she pointed out. "Why didn't you pay heed?" she asked as if Jasmine were somehow responsible for this.

The bitterness between the two spilled over in the well of the house as accusations were traded - Ranjana accused Jasmine of attempting the foolish, and Jasmine accused Ranjana of selling her soul to terrorists.

Ranjana imitated Jasmine for Indra's benefit that night, and they drank and made love, feeling giddy about the money they obtained from Jasmine, and the land from the tribals in history's first, most diabolic double deal. It was that which tickled them the most.

Elections came and Ranjana and her team had much to boast off during the campaigning. Her team had even managed to capture the assassin. Victory seemed to be in the bag.

But as the election results were announced, they were in for a shock. Sympathy for Gautam's brutal death swept NFP to power across the nation, and even in the state.

Jasmine called Ranjana and said in her sweetest voice, "Thank you. We were gasping for breath, and you threw us a lifeline." She laughed as she heard Ranjana shout an expletive and the phone protested as Ranjana threw it in anger.


  1. There should probably be a disclaimer Meera ...😏 any resemblance of the characters to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental... 🙂😐


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