Friday, December 16, 2016

Thinking and Thinking

That moment between thinking and not thinking.
That moment between thinking and acting on that thinking.
That moment between thinking and acting on something without thinking.

That moment when thinking of many things but not thinking any of them clearly.
That moment when thinking that no thinking will be good and yet thinking.
That moment when thinking but with a blank stare so you don't look like you are thinking.

That moment when you want to grab that pause between two thoughts and end up thinking.
That moment when you grab that pause but want to go on thinking.
That moment when you are thinking shallow thoughts that look like deep thinking.

That moment of not thinking keeps moving just out of the reach.
That treacherous world of thinking keeps you trapped and makes you go on thinking.
That moment of thinking when you want to escape but think you cannot...

And then thinking Sleep can rescue you but end up dreaming.

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