Monday, April 25, 2011

Hobson's Choice

She picked up the mike and said, "The headlines today is all about it. This is not something we didn't know about. We have been telling the people this for long - this government is corrupt! And now, the entire family seems to have been taking bribes!"

The people clapped, mad with anger and frenzy.

"She was a model woman. She was educated, a poet, capable to inspiring higher thoughts. She had lead a simple life, she could have lead the way to women's empowerment. She was close to the rustic people, she was close to the common man. Her one words could have lifted the veil of darkness covering the minds of man." There was absolute silence at this unexpected eulogy. "But today, she shows she is no better than the common man. That her needs are as insatiable. That she can be as vile as the vilest." People burst out clapping spontaneously. "It embarrasses me to think of her as the "sweet tongue" that will perpetuate the glory of my mother tongue. It shames me to think that she is the face of my motherland to the ignorant north Indians."

"Hear, hear!"

"This is your chance to show that you will not stand for such corruption, to root out evil and to stand by truth."

The applause did not die down even after she sat down. She waved then covered her mouth and turned to her aid. "Find out how she managed it. I will not settle for anything less than 500."

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  1. Lasting Impressions is a small way to register these SMALL DEEDS that go unnoticed otherwise? I didn't know 'the sweet tongue' was one of your role models.


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